Description of the partner
FEV is an internationally recognized leader in the design and development of internal combustion engines, conventional, electric, and alternative vehicle drive systems, energy technology, and a major supplier of advanced testing and instrumentation products and services to some of the world’s largest powertrain OEMs. Founded in 1978 by Prof. Franz Pischinger, today the company employs worldwide highly skilled research and development specialists on several continents.
Role in the project
FEV will support:
- task T4.6. Module development and manufacturing.
- task 4.6.1. Battery module requirements definition and design
- task 4.6.2. Battery module manufacturing
- task 5.6. Module testing and evaluation
- task 5.6.1. Testing of the battery module
- task 5.6.2. Evaluation of the battery module
- task 7.3. Cost Assessment
FEV is lead in Task 6.4. Physicochemically equivalent circuit model